
At Early Journeys, all our carers greet and welcome parents and children. Each room begins the morning with breakfast, followed by circle time. During Monday mornings, circle time typically involves sharing weekend news, while Friday mornings focus on what children are planning for the weekend. This is a time for children to share ideas and engage in conversations with their friends and carers. Additionally, children participate in singing rhymes before concluding the circle time.

Following circle time is snack time, where children are served different snacks each day according to the set menu. After snack time, kids have free playtime outdoors or indoors, depending on the weather conditions. At this point, babies and toddlers prepare for lunch, followed by their nap time. While the little ones are eating, preschoolers and those ready for school engage in planned, fun-based activities to encourage their involvement.

Once the babies and toddlers have finished lunch and are ready for their nap, the older children start their lunchtime. This is an opportunity for them to learn about table manners and eating etiquette. After lunch, children spend some time reading or listening to stories in the quiet time or rest corner, replenishing their energy for subsequent activities.

Throughout the day, the creche focuses on fun and play-based activities that encourage individual child involvement, contributing to their growth and development. The day continues with another snack time, followed by outdoor or indoor play, depending on the weather conditions. All snacks and lunches are prepared by our in-house cook.

As the day comes to an end, during the time to say goodbye, our carers ensure that each individual parent receives feedback about their child's day.


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